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utils/formater module




format_value(value: np.ndarray | dict | list | float | str) -> str

Format different types of values for HTML display.


Name Type Description Default
value np.ndarray, dict, list, float, or str

The input value that needs to be formatted. If the value is:

  • an np.ndarray, it is assumed to represent an image array and will be converted to a base64-encoded HTML image.
  • a dict or list, it will be converted to its JSON string representation.
  • an np.float64 or np.float32, it will be formatted as a float with 4 decimal places.
  • any other type, it will be converted to a string using the str() function.


Type Description

A string representation of the input value formatted for HTML display.

Source code in color_correction/utils/
def format_value(value: np.ndarray | dict | list | float | str) -> str:
    Format different types of values for HTML display.

    value : np.ndarray, dict, list, float, or str
        The input value that needs to be formatted. If the value is:

          - an `np.ndarray`, it is assumed to represent an image array and will be converted
            to a base64-encoded HTML image.
          - a `dict` or `list`, it will be converted to its JSON string representation.
          - an `np.float64` or `np.float32`, it will be formatted as a float with 4 decimal places.
          - any other type, it will be converted to a string using the str() function.

        A string representation of the input value formatted for HTML display.
    """  # noqa: E501
    if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):  # Image arrays
        return f'<img src="{numpy_array_to_base64(value, convert_bgr_to_rgb=True)}"/>'
    elif isinstance(value, dict | list):  # Dictionaries or lists
        return json.dumps(value)
    elif isinstance(value, np.float64 | np.float32):  # Numpy float types
        return f"{float(value):.4f}"
    return str(value)