Task 5: Shell Scripting
In this session, I will create a shell script to backup log files from /var/log
to a backup directory and zip the backup directory.
Project Challange
Anda adalah seorang DevOps Engineer di sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki banyak file log di
direktori /var/logs
. Anda diminta untuk membuat bash script untuk:
- Membuat direktori baru dengan nama
berdasarkan tanggal saat ini. - Memindahkan semua file .log dari
ke direktori backup. - Membuat arsip zip dari direktori backup.
- Menampilkan pesan sukses setelah proses selesai.
Tugas Peserta:
Buat Bash Script berdasarkan langkah di atas. Pastikan script:
- Dapat dijalankan berulang kali tanpa menyebabkan konflik nama direktori.
- Menangani error, misalnya jika direktori atau file tidak ditemukan.
- Due to time constraints and deadlines, I will use date resolution with second-level precision.
will be renamed tobackup_ddmmyyyy_HHMMSS
. - Instead of using the
(move) command, I will use thecp
(copy) command because I am unsure if the file is still being used by other processes. To avoid issues, I will copy the file to the backup directory. - The cron job frequency is set to 1 minute for testing purposes. In a real-world scenario, it can be adjusted to 1 hour or 1 day, depending on how long the backup process takes.
1. Check list-file logfile in /var/log
Frist, check list file *.log
in /var/log
using this commmand:
ls /var/log/*.log
These are the list of *.log
in /var/log
and we will zip all of this *.log
/var/log/alternatives.log /var/log/auth.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log /var/log/dpkg.log
/var/log/apport.log /var/log/bootstrap.log /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/kern.log
2. Create a directory with the name backup_ddmmyyyy
We create a directory with the name backup_ddmmyyyy
using this command:
echo $(date +"%d%m%Y_%H%M%S")
# 27022025_093856
mkdir backup_$(date +"%d%m%Y_%H%M%S")
# backup_27022025_093856
Then, we create shell script backup.sh
date +"%d%m%Y_%H%M%S"
will return the current date and time in the format ofddmmyyyy_HHMMSS
should be not have space between them.
3. Move all logfile to the directory
Moving/copying all *.log
to the directory we need to check if the directory exist or not.
Check if directory exist
-d is a test command to check if the directory exist or not.
4. Zip the directory
Zipping the directory need to install zip
package. You can install it using this command:
Then, we can zip the directory using this command:
is a flag to zip the directory recursively. It means that if the directory has subdirectories, it will zip all of them too.backup_27022025_093856.zip
is the name of the zip file.backup_27022025_093856
is the name of the directory to be zipped.
5. Add success message
We add success message and calculate compression after zipping the directory.
[Start backup]
Create folder backup_27022025_160059 ...
Move all .log to backup_27022025_160059
folder exist
Zipping backup_27022025_160059 ...
adding: backup_27022025_160059/ (stored 0%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/alternatives.log (deflated 92%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/dpkg.log (deflated 92%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/bootstrap.log (deflated 88%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/kern.log (deflated 81%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/apport.log (stored 0%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/cloud-init.log (deflated 88%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/cloud-init-output.log (deflated 73%)
adding: backup_27022025_160059/auth.log (deflated 90%)
Successfully Zip backup_27022025_160059 to backup_backup_27022025_160059.zip
Successfully backup backup_27022025_160059 to backup_backup_27022025_160059.zip
Saved 1069540 bytes | (90%) from 1187738 bytes to 118198 bytes
You can see the saved bytes and saved percent from the original folder to the zip file. That can compress the file up to 90%
6. Add to Crontab
To run the script every minute, we can add it to crontab:
Add this line:
full backup.sh
#! /bin/bash
echo "[Start backup]"
current_time=$(date +"%d%m%Y_%H%M%S")
echo "Create folder $foldername ..."
mkdir $foldername
echo "Move all .log to $foldername"
if [ -d $foldername ]; then
echo "folder exist"
cp /var/log/*.log $foldername
echo "folder not exist. Please create folder before"
mkdir $foldername
cp /var/log/*.log $foldername
echo "Zipping $foldername ..."
zip -r $foldername.zip $foldername
echo "Successfully Zip $foldername to $foldername.zip"
zip_bytes=$(du -b $foldername.zip | cut -f1)
folder_bytes=$(du -b $foldername | cut -f1)
rm -rf $foldername
saved_bytes=$(($folder_bytes - $zip_bytes))
saved_percent=$(($saved_bytes * 100 / $folder_bytes))
echo "Saved $saved_bytes bytes | ($saved_percent%) from $folder_bytes bytes to $zip_bytes bytes"
ls -l
ls -l
total 972
-rwxrwxr-x 1 u24-1 u24-1 837 Feb 27 16:10 backup.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118334 Feb 27 16:09 backup_27022025_160948.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118334 Feb 27 16:10 backup_27022025_161038.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118349 Feb 27 16:12 backup_27022025_161201.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118374 Feb 27 16:13 backup_27022025_161301.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118395 Feb 27 16:14 backup_27022025_161401.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118439 Feb 27 16:15 backup_27022025_161502.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118464 Feb 27 16:16 backup_27022025_161601.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 118334 Feb 27 16:08 backup_backup_27022025_160856.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 u24-1 u24-1 33280 Feb 26 01:22 server1.txt
This is the result of the script. You can see that the script will create a new zip file every minute.
Sorry! The file server1.txt
is the result of the previous project.