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Task 4: Linux and Unix Administration 2

In i will setup 2 servers and configure passwordless SSH between them. Then, I will create a cron job to automate file transfer between the servers.

Project Challenge

Project Challenge

  1. Set up 2 servers on VirtualBox
  2. Configure the 2 servers to connect via SSH without a password
  3. Create a file named server1.txt on server1
  4. Create a cron job to automate sending the server1.txt file from server1 to server2 at a specified interval

Step 1: Setup Two Servers

Since i am using MacOS i will use UTM to set up my virtual machine. I will use Ubuntu 24.04 LTS as my server. For details my server setup:

Server 1 Server 2
user u24-1 u24-2
server-name u24-1 u24-2
OS Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Setup Server Already success


left side is server1 and right side is server2. Both server successfully setup and i can access both server using SSH.

Step 2: Configure Passwordless SSH


On Server 1

  1. Generate an SSH key pair:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    More Detail

    this command will generate 2 key (files):

    • private key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa

      private key is secret key, should be kept secret. DO NOT SHARE THIS KEY

    • public key: ~/.ssh/

      public key is the key that you can share to other server. This key will be used to verify your identity.

  2. Copy the public key to Server 2:

    ssh-copy-id u24-2@

    This command will copies your public SSH key (located: ~/.ssh/ to the remote server's authorized_keys file.

    or manually copy the public key to server2
    cat ~/.ssh/
    # output:
    # ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y..../FgWNXulrHoe7rew== u24-1@u24-1

    Copy the output and paste it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on server2

    # login to server2
    ssh u24-2@
    # we are on server2 right now
    mkdir -p ~/.ssh # if not exist
    # paste the public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E...banyak karakter...user@server1" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

On Server 2

It same as above: Generate an SSH key pair and copy the public key to Server 1

ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id u24-1@

Step 3: Create server1.txt on Server1

On Server 1, I created a dynamic file that updates every minute:

crontab -e
Add this line:

*/1 * * * * echo "Hello World! Waktu: $(date)" >> /home/u24-1/server1.txt

This appends a timestamped message to /home/u24-1/server1.txt every minute because of */1 in the first column.

Step 4: Automate File Transfer with Cron

On Server 1, set up a cron job to copy server1.txt to Server 2 every 5 minutes:

crontab -e

Add this line:

*/5 * * * * scp /home/u24-1/server1.txt u24-2@
  • scp securely copies the file over SSH.
  • Check log cron using grep CRON /var/log/syslog | tail -5. It will show the last 5 cron jobs.
Full Crontab Configurate
*/1 * * * * echo "Hello World! Waktu: $(date)" >> /home/u24-1/server1.txt
*/5 * * * * scp /home/u24-1/server1.txt u24-2@



left side is server1 and cron job that will append Hello World! Waktu: $(date) to server1.txt every minute. and cron job that will copy server1.txt file from Server 1 to Server 2 every 5 minutes.

right side is server2 and will see the result of server1.txt file that copied from server1. after waiting another 5 minutes, the condition will be like this:

